Riverdance: The Animated Adventure
A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life. Based on the stage show phenomenon of the same name and featuring Bill Whelan’s multi-platinum Grammy Award-winning music.
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Music, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Sam Hardy, Hannah Herman Cortes, Lilly Singh, Jermaine Fowler, John Kavanagh
Crew: Dave Rosenbaum (Writer), Tyler Werrin (Writer), Moya Doherty (Producer), Patricia Carroll (Executive Producer), Warren Franklin (Executive Producer), Joel MacDonald (Producer)
Country: Canada
Language: English
Studio: Cinesite Animation, Aniventure, River Productions Ltd
Runtime: 86 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 28, 2021
IMDb: 5