Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz
After Colony (A.C.) 196. One year after the events of the "Gundam Wing" television series, peace has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies. The Gundam pilots now find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total dominance. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed...
Genre: Drama, Animation, Science Fiction
Stars: Hikaru Midorikawa, Toshihiko Seki, Shigeru Nakahara, Ai Orikasa, Ryuzou Ishino, Akiko Yajima
Crew: Jun Yukawa (Producer), Yasunao Aoki (Director), Satoshi Kubo (Producer), Hideyuki Tomioka (Producer), Katsuyuki Sumisawa (Writer), Satoru Isono (Key Animation)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: SUNRISE, Bandai Visual, Sotsu
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 01, 1998
IMDb: 3.8