Awa, a 15-year-old schoolgirl, is happily living her teenage years alongside her twin brother Adama who dreams of Europe. When their grandmother dies, her aunt Fatou and her uncle Atoumane promise to marry in order to preserve the family union. But Fatou does not love Atoumane and the latter, tired of waiting to consummate his marriage, commits an act from which there is no going back.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Nguissaly Barry, Mabeye Diol, Ibrahima Mbaye, Rokhaya Niang, Roger Felmont Sallah, Mentor Ba
Crew: Pierre Magny (Writer), Moussa Sène Absa (Writer), Moussa Sène Absa (Director), Ben Diogaye Beye (Writer), Zulu Mbaye (Art Direction), Mandir Ndoye Thiaw (Novel)
Country: Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal
Language: Wolof
Studio: Les Films du Continent, Set Bet Set Productions
Runtime: 102 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 31, 2023
IMDb: 10