The story of a suburban family that finds themselves barricaded in their house following the outbreak of the Zombie plague. Along for the ride are a couple of elves and an actor that just might be the real Santa Claus. In the meantime, the President and his military advisers are holed up in a bunker feverishly trying to hatch a plan to rescue Santa and the desperate family.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Billy W. Blackwell, Alex Del Monacco, Claude D. Miles, Cassidy Rae Owens, Tony Armstrong, Reaper M. Jones
Crew: George Bonilla (Writer), George Bonilla (Director), Josh McMaine (Director of Photography), Adam Fair (Choreographer), Todd Burrows (Director of Photography), Alex Barker (Director of Photography)
Runtime: 100 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 2010
IMDb: 9.3