Follows childhood friends turned professional comedians, Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, the founders of the Found Footage Festival. When Nick and Joe book their gag strongman routine on unsuspecting morning news shows, their pranks go viral and land them in federal court with a vengeful media conglomerate. The stress of the lawsuit and pressure to continue their pranks threatens their livelihood and tests their lifelong friendship.
Genre: Documentary, Comedy
Stars: Joe Pickett, Nick Prueher, Davy Rothbart, David Cross, Bobcat Goldthwait, Howie Mandel
Crew: Don Swaynos (Editor), Mike Saenz (Editor), Alex MacKenzie (Editor), Priest Batten (Cinematography), Berndt Mader (Executive Producer), Ben Steinbauer (Executive Producer)
Language: English
Studio: Wavelength, The Bear
Runtime: 77 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 17, 2022
IMDb: 3.1