A romantic drama depicting a housewife vacillating between a former lover and her husband directed by Narita Yusuke who was involved in the "Abunai Deka" and "BE-BOP High School" series. Odashima Yumiko (Kumakiri Asami), a housewife, lives a happy albeit unexceptional life with her older husband Yukihiko (Motomiya Yasukaze), an orthopedist. One day, a couple moves into the home opposite their own. Yumiko learns their new neighbor is her former lover Miyazawa Koji (Okuchi Kengo) and his wife...
Stars: Asami Kumakiri, Kengo Ôkuchi, Yasukaze Motomiya, Yurika Akane, Chie Suzuki, Tomoka Takeda
Crew: Shūji Kataoka (Screenplay), Yusuke Narita (Director)
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 70 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 23, 2016
IMDb: 10