Rhinoceros Eyes is a fantastical coming-of-age story revolving around Chep, a young, reclusive prop-house employee who falls in love with a detail-obsessed movie production designer named Fran. Fran's need for authentic props sends Chep to great and questionable lengths as he tries to satisfy her requests, and ultimately... win her heart.
Stars: Michael Pitt, Paige Turco, Gale Harold, Matt Servitto, James Allodi, Victor Ertmanis
Crew: Aaron Woodley (Director), Aaron Woodley (Writer), Tom Gruenberg (Producer), Eva Kolodner (Producer), John Cale (Music), E.C. Woodley (Music)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Optix Digital Pictures, Directors Program, Madstone Films
Runtime: 92 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 23, 2004
IMDb: 5.094
Keywords:movie business, recluse