In this sequel to The Last of the Mohicans, the Pathfinder (Kevin Dillon) defends a British fort under siege during the French and Indian Wars. His Indian father, Chingachgook (Graham Greene), and the lovely Mabel Dunham (Laurie Holden) are swept up in the battle, and the Pathfinder finds himself forced to choose between his father and the woman he loves. The film is based on last of James Fenimore Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales."
Stars: Kevin Dillon, Graham Greene, Laurie Holden, Stacy Keach, Ralph Kussmann, Christian Laurin
Crew: Bruce Reisman (Writer), James Fenimore Cooper (Novel), Reg Powell (Original Music Composer), Donald Shebib (Director), Alison Reid (Stunt Coordinator), Michael J. Taylor (Executive Producer)
Country: Canada
Language: English
Studio: Leather Stockings Productions
Runtime: 94 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 02, 1996
IMDb: 6.5
Keywords:native american, northeast frontier