Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Stars: Karin Viard, Carole Bouquet, Charlotte Rampling, Jean-Paul Rouve, William Lebghil, Michel Blanc
Crew: Yves Marmion (Producer), Michel Blanc (Director), Michel Blanc (Writer), Michèle Constantinides (Key Makeup Artist), Beata Saboova (Co-Producer), Anais Lavergne (Makeup Artist)
Country: France
Language: Français
Studio: UGC, Les Films du 24, France 2 Cinéma
Runtime: 88 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 10, 2018
IMDb: 5.2