Minami Yasuo, a college student, lives with Yuriko who has become the mistress of a foreigner named Wilson. Whenever Wilson comes, Yasuo spends his time in the tea-shop "La Gana." Yasuo is asked by his brother Shigeru to teach French to Akiko, a young girl who is studying French songs. Yasuo then learns that he is the winner of an essay contest and will be offered a scholarship to study in France. Akiko, is now pregnant and Yasuo promises to break with Yuriko.
Stars: Hiroyuki Nagato, Misako Watanabe, Nobuo Kaneko, Yasukiyo Umeno, Kazuko Yoshiyuki, Yuji Odaka
Crew: Masaru Satō (Music), Yoshihiro Yamazaki (Director of Photography), Akira Suzuki (Editor), Kenzaburô Oe (Original Story), Takashi Matsuyama (Production Design), Toshio Mori (Gaffer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Nikkatsu Corporation
Runtime: 98 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 25, 1959
IMDb: 10