Set against the backdrop of a beautiful garden in the heart of London, this contemporary fairy tale revolves around the unlikely friendship between a reclusive young woman and a cantankerous old widower. Bella Brown is a beautifully quirky young woman who dreams of writing and illustrating a successful children’s book. After she is forced by her landlord to deal with her neglected garden or face eviction, she meets her match, nemesis, and unlikely mentor in Alfie Stephenson, a grumpy, loveless, old man who lives next door who happens to be an amazing horticulturalist.
Stars: Jessica Brown Findlay, Tom Wilkinson, Andrew Scott, Jeremy Irvine, Anna Chancellor, Mia Farkasovska
Crew: Jelena Grišina (Script Supervisor), Simon Aboud (Writer), Simon Aboud (Director), Ian Fulcher (Costume Design), David Charap (Editor), Mike Eley (Director of Photography)
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English, Gaeilge
Studio: Constance Media, Smudge Films, Samuel Goldwyn Films, Ipso Facto Productions, Ambi Distribution
Runtime: 100 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 20, 2016
IMDb: 3.9
Keywords:friendship, london, england, library, england, inventor, duck, routine, oddball, orderly, inspiration, obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd), orphan, fear, young woman, twins, widower, single father, caregiver, reading, next door neighbor, gardening, englishwoman, aspiring writer, flower garden, horticulture, english garden, dog cat friendship, elderly man, modern fairy tale, unconventional arrangement, rules and regulations, cantankerous