Originally aired on Russian television, this five-part semi-documentary series tells the story of a Russian naval commander in charge of an Arctic-based ship. The film provokes a meditation on solitude and isolation, while revealing the daily duties associated with the ship. Voice-over narration by the commander, other sailors, and even a third-person voice provide the "confession" of the title.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Aleksandr Borisov
Crew: Aleksandr Sokurov (Director), Leda Semyonova (Editor), Aleksandr Sokurov (Writer), Alexey Fedorov (Director of Photography)
Country: Russia
Language: Pусский
Studio: Film studio "Nadezhda", Roskomkino, Lenfilm
Runtime: 260 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 21, 1998
IMDb: 3.8