Inspired by a television show featuring a kickboxing heroine, a woman named Kathy (Julie Suscinski) enrolls at a martial arts school in this low-budget action-comedy. When Kathy learns that the school is a front for drugs, prostitution, and blackmail, she uses her new skills to take the bad guys down.
Genre: Action
Stars: Michelle Bauer, Julie Suscinski, Shawna Baer, James Black, Ken Jarosz, Tom Hoover
Crew: J.R. Bookwalter (Producer), Lloyd Taylor (Screenplay), J.R. Bookwalter (Editor), David DeCoteau (Story), Scott P. Plummer (Director), J.R. Bookwalter (Title Designer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Suburban Tempe Company
Runtime: 70 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1992
IMDb: 7.7
Keywords:martial arts, female martial artist