Futuristic prospective series pilot, a distant cousin the 1975 theatrical violent sport movie "Rollerball," revolves around a turn-of-the-millennium family on the Great Eve (the night before the year 2000 begins) planning for a reunion. Son Richard Beymer is an inventor working with prosthetic devices to help young athlete brother Drake Hogestyn perfect his game of combat hockey to maintain his skills as a national hero, and Cristina Raines is a socially conscious doctor who wants nothing to do with their prideful father, Bert Remsen, to the distress of their loving mother, Priscilla Pointer.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, TV Movie
Stars: Richard Beymer, Hannah Cutrona, Marta DuBois, Drake Hogestyn, Priscilla Pointer, Cristina Raines
Crew: Patricia Finnegan (Producer), Carl Kress (Editor), Randy D. Thornton (Editor), Gerald Di Pego (Executive Producer), Robert E. Collins (Director of Photography), Bill Finnegan (Producer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Embassy Television
Runtime: 96 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 24, 1985
IMDb: 6.5