The lives of Ted and Marion Cole are thrown into disarray when their two adolescent sons die in a car wreck. Marion withdraws from Ted and Ruth, the couple's daughter. Ted, a well-known writer, hires as his assistant a student named Eddie, who looks oddly similar to one of the Coles' dead sons. The couple separate, and Marion begins an affair with Eddie, while Ted has a dalliance with his neighbor Evelyn.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jeff Bridges, Kim Basinger, Jon Foster, Mimi Rogers, Elle Fanning, Bijou Phillips
Crew: Tod Williams (Director), John Irving (Novel), Tod Williams (Screenplay), Marcelo Zarvos (Original Music Composer), Affonso Gonçalves (Editor), Eric Daman (Costume Design)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Focus Features, Revere Pictures, This is that
Runtime: 111 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 18, 2004
IMDb: 4.897