Inspector Mugilan (Natti Nataraj), a police officer at the Chettipalayam Police Station in Coimbatore, is the protagonist. Aadhavan (Nishant Russo), a prominent businessman from Coimbatore, serves as another protagonist. His wife, Malavika (Padine Kumar), is the heroine. The case reaches Inspector Mugilan when Aadhavan’s domestic servant is murdered while adhavan and malavika are missing. The story follows Inspector Mugilan as he investigates the case, uncovering the reasons behind the murder and identifying the culprit.
Stars: Natarajan Subramaniam, Nishanth Russo, Padine Kumar, Nizhalgal Ravi, 'Jeeva' Ravi, Aravindraj R
Crew: Wilsy J Sasi (Editor), Solai Anbu (Art Direction), A Prabhakaran (Art Direction), Akkarai R Balu (Executive Producer), Happyson Jayaraj (Choreographer), J karthick (Public Relations)
Language: English, தமிழ்
Studio: Vidiyal Studios
Runtime: 135 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10