The film tells the tragic life story of an actor named Farhad, who remains faithful to national values and deeply feels the pain of their loss. Fearing the negative impact of social media, Farhad leaves the theater because of a colleague's dismissal. The story explores his inner world, the traumas he experiences, and the void created by the loss of national values, presenting it all to the audience.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Samimi Farhad, Tural Ahmad, Turkay Jafarli, Mamed Qurbanov, Könül Şahbazova, Mammad Verdiyev
Crew: Anar Dadaşov (Director of Photography), Aydın Arslan (Director), Emin Ibrahim (Assistant Director), İffət Əsgərov (Original Music Composer), Aydın Arslan (Producer), Mamed Qurbanov (Producer)
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Azərbaycan
Studio: Ayar Film
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 29, 2024
IMDb: 10
Keywords:faith, trauma, melancholy, questioning, social anxiety, void, actor, traditional values, inner world, depressed