Tú No La Quiere Tanto is a short film that explores a love triangle between two friends, Romeo and Omar, and a young woman named Stephanie. With the city as a backdrop and the music of Don Omar and Romeo Santos as a guiding thread, the story delves into the themes of mistrust, jealousy, and redemption as the characters navigate the complexities of love and friendship.
Stars: Lionel Oliva, Luka Esquivel, Martina Bruschini, Benjamín Alfonso
Crew: León Campana (Director), Julia Lucero (Assistant Director), Camila Blanco Sosa (Director of Photography), Julia Lucero (Writers' Assistant), Gianella Arnolfo (Costume Assistant), Julia Lucero (Storyboard)
Country: Argentina
Language: Español
Runtime: 22 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 15, 2024
IMDb: 10
Keywords:short film