The film revolves around a respected educator, Hari Master and his two sons Biplab and Sangram. Following his retirement, Hari Master`s health deteriorates and he becomes physically incapacitated. The two brothers eventually go on to marry their respective wives who happen to belong to opposing political parties. A battle ensues between the two brothers during election time as to which party gets to secure the old man`s vote, only to end in a tragic twist resulting in Hari Master`s sudden death. The brothers make amends with each other after this but not before learning a bitter tasting lesson.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Shreya Mohanty, Usasi Misra, Hara Rath, Chakradhar Jena, Ranu Padhi, Pinki Priyadarshini
Crew: Priyabrata Panigrahi (Music Score Producer), Prashantanu Mohapatra (Director of Photography), Priyabrata Panigrahi (Sound Designer), Atish Kumar Rout (Producer), Dushmanta Routray (Executive Producer), Supriya Rout (Co-Producer)
Country: India
Studio: Ritupriya Productions
Runtime: 147 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Feb 23, 2024
IMDb: 10