The story revolves around a U-shaped alleyway in Lucknow, India, where various individuals reside. Mirza is a gentle and poetic man who runs a Tea and Kebab Stall. Hariya, a mischievous young man who develops one-sided feelings for Shabbo, a strong and outspoken young woman.
Stars: Sushant Singh, Javed Jaffrey, Ishtiyak Khan, Vivaan Shah, Namita Lal, Veenay Bhasskar
Crew: Quincy Sanadhya (Production Design), Adarsh Saxena (Co-Producer), Punarvasu (Writer), Arvind Kannabiran (Cinematography), Jannisar Akhtar Hussain (Co-Producer), John Panjtan (Unit Production Manager)
Country: India
Language: हिन्दी
Studio: Alcor Productions, Yadhunath Films
Runtime: 130 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 02, 2023
IMDb: 10