The story centers on the "Pole Dance Japan Cup" competition, where protagonist Hinano Hoshikita and her friends will compete as the Galaxy Princesses. They will compete with the competition's four-time champion team, Aile d'Ange.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Rio Tsuchiya, Anna Suzuki, Yui Ogura, Minami Hinata, Yoshino Nanjou, Rina Hidaka
Crew: Hitomi Ezoe (Director), Touko Machida (Screenplay), Tomari (Character Designer), Yoshihiro Otobe (CGI Director), Kenta Higashiohji (Original Music Composer), Tomari (Original Series Design)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Tatsunoko Production, avex pictures
Runtime: 59 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 23, 2023
IMDb: 10