This documentary explores the aftermath of a 2015 mass shooting that took place during an anti-violence community basketball tournament at the Boys and Girls Club in Rochester, New York. Members of the Community along with family members of the victims join together to speak out against the needless violence that took the lives of multiple children and young adults and injured many others.
Genre: Documentary, Crime, History
Stars: Lovely A. Warren, Jonah Barley, Raekwon Manigault, Johnny "J.R." Johnson, Rodney Manigault, Melody Scott
Crew: Tam Little (Director), Tam Little (Producer), Tam Little (Writer), Bryan M. Little (Executive Producer), Andre Stokes (Post Production Assistant), Dorian Cromwell (Camera Operator)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Boots On The Ground Productions, Virtual Bay Entertainment
Runtime: 60 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 12, 2017
IMDb: 3