This explosive celebration of children's creativity follows the lives of students and their teachers in a peculiar yet somewhat recognizable primary school. When Jose Maria, more apt at lecturing fine arts at university than controlling a primary classroom, fills in his new post as art teacher, chaos seems on the verge of unleashing itself. However, the path that his young and infinitely imaginative little students take him through shows him there's more than a little he can learn from them, and a new life to discover...
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Francisco Alfonsin, Maica Sánchez, Eva Rubio, Mercedes Suárez Aller, Charo Urbano, Asencio Salas
Crew: Francisco Alfonsin (Writer), Iván Noel (Director), Iván Noel (Writer), Dan Uneken (Assistant Director), Albi Ríos Barba (Additional Photography), Mariangeles Camuñez Gómez (Production Manager)
Country: Spain
Language: Español
Studio: Iván Noel Productions, FotoFilmVideo
Runtime: 107 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 01, 2010
IMDb: 2.8
Keywords:elementary school