Writer-director Pablo Agüero's feature debut follows Inti (Joaquin Aguila), a 6-year-old boy caught up in the madness of post-"Dirty War" Argentina. Upon her release from prison, Inti's mother, Alba (Dolores Fonzi), a former dissident, whisks him away from his grandmother's care. Still unsure of her own direction in life, Alba takes Inti to live in a hippie commune in Patagonia. Velvet Underground founder John Cale co-stars.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Joaquín Aguila, Dolores Fonzi, German Pardo, Daniel Fanego, John Cale, Alicia Mildstein
Crew: Pablo Agüero (Writer), Pablo Agüero (Director), Jacques Comets (Editor), Daniel Iribarren (Sound), Federico Billordo (Sound), Marianne Dumoulin (Producer)
Country: Argentina, France, Germany
Language: Español
Studio: Rohfilm, JBA Production, Rizoma Films
Runtime: 84 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 01, 2008
IMDb: 5.5