Bernhard Frankfurter, a young Austrian filmmaker, follows the trails and roots of several German-speaking filmmakers who had been forced into exil by Hitler faschism. He interviewed prominent and less well-known artists who were forced to leave their (artistic) heimat because they were politically or racially no longer "acceptable"...
A documentary film in which the personal commitment of the filmmaker is purposely brought to the attention of the viewer.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Rudolph Cartier, Hans G. Casparius, Paul Falkenberg, Paul Henreid, Walter Reisch, Lotte Stein
Crew: Herbert Koller (Sound), Adriano Tuis (Camera Operator), Hermann Dunzendorfer (Director of Photography), Agnes Lenz-Zaunegger (Editor), Kurt Jetmar (Camera Operator), Clemens Duniecki (Sound)
Country: Austria
Language: Deutsch
Studio: UFF-United Film Federation Filmproduktion, ORF
Runtime: 101 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 01, 1982
IMDb: 10