Set in Tokyo in 1940, the peaceful life of the Nogami Family suddenly changes when the father, Shigeru, is arrested and accused of being a Communist. His wife Kayo works frantically from morning to night to maintain the household and bring up her two daughters with the support of Shigeru's sister Hisako and Shigeru's ex-student Yamazaki, but her husband does not return. WWII breaks out and casts dark shadows on the entire country, but Kayo still tries to keep her cheerful determination, and sustain the family with her love. This is an emotional drama of a mother and an eternal message for peace.
Stars: Mirai Shida, Tadanobu Asano, Chieko Baisho, Denden, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Mitsuru Fukikoshi
Crew: Mitsuo Degawa (Production Design), Emiko Hiramatsu (Writer), Yoji Yamada (Director), Yoji Yamada (Writer), Isao Tomita (Music), Iwao Ishii (Editor)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Asahi Broadcasting Corporation, Eisei Gekijo, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, Sumitomo Corporation, TV Asahi, Yahoo! Japan, Yomiuri Shimbun Company, Strand Releasing, Shochiku, Tokyo FM
Runtime: 133 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 26, 2008
IMDb: 3.8
Keywords:japan, shōwa era (1926-89)