Ready for a hilarious adventure? Hop aboard a broomstick for this tale of two dim-witted witches who accidentally turn their sister into a jack-o-lantern on Halloween...and that's just the beginning of the story. Join the silly sisters as they turn a typical suburban town topsy-turvy with their inept attempts to rescue their sister-turned-pumpkin on Halloween night. Watch them fly around town, go trick-or-treating for the first time, and pop in on a children's Halloween party. These "Witches in Stitches" will delight children with their entertaining tactics and humorous happenings. This is one Halloween story that can be enjoyed all year long!
Genre: Animation, Family, TV Movie
Stars: Miki Mathioudakis, Will Gould, Vonda Fuhrman, Jacque Workman, Keith Myran, Natalie Bridegroom Harris
Crew: Russ Harris (Director), G. Brian Reynolds (Director), Russ Harris (Producer), G. Brian Reynolds (Producer), Michael N. Ruggiero (Producer), G. Brian Reynolds (Writer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Perennial Pictures
Runtime: 22 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 01, 1997
IMDb: 9
Keywords:halloween, short film