In the final year of high school, a group of students embarks on creating a short film for a competition. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges that test their teamwork and unity, the group learns valuable lessons in persistence and collaboration. As tensions rise and doubts creep in, one member reminds them that struggles are part of the journey. Together, they push forward, determined to finish what they started. This film, made as a keepsake for their graduation, captures not only the struggles they faced but the triumph of overcoming them.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria, Sendi Hidayat, M. Dzaky Dany Anto, Asma Fadilla Zein, Fifi Puspita Sari, Muhammad Adriyan Fadhlullaah
Crew: Senthir Films (Producer), Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria (Director), Sendi Hidayat (Assistant Director), Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria (Writer), Fifi Puspita Sari (Writers' Assistant), Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria (Director of Photography)
Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa indonesia
Studio: Senthir Films
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 15, 2022
IMDb: 10