Kenichi, a leading figure in the world of Japanese literature, accepts an essay on the recent popularity of shaved pubic hair, but never made any progress. Instead, he indulges in affairs during his breaks from writing, such as arranging sashimi on the female body of his mistress, or pursuing his dictating scribe...
Genre: Drama
Stars: Kozue Akino, Kozue Aoki, Anna Himenoki, Kazu Itsuki, Tarō Araki, Ryou Kurihara
Crew: Sachi Hamano (Director), Kuninori Yamazaki (Screenplay), Masashi Inayoshi (Cinematography), Hiroshi Katayama (Cinematography), Kazuo Akiyama (Lighting Technician), Norio Ogikubo (Lighting Technician)
Language: 日本語
Studio: Tantan-Sha Company, Xces Film
Runtime: 60 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Feb 10, 1995
IMDb: 9