In a bleak dystopian future, Elena, a kind young woman decides to accompany Javier, a withdrawn office worker, inside a small Mexico City restaurant. Almost by chance, both believe they have found her ideal companion, causing Javier an urgency to invite Elena back to his house to continue their evening together. Before leaving, Elena reveals to Javier that she is a 'Synthetic' (an organic android), unleashing a night that goes from being a "perfect date", to being like all the other nights of this future: revealing the worst side of humanity through Javier, but surprisingly, the best as creators through Elena.
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama
Stars: Renée Venencie, Rodrigo Olguín, Tamara Guzmán, Roberto Valera, Gilary Negrete
Crew: Roberto Campos (Director), Oscar Rojano (Music), Ernesto J. Guadarrama (Editor), Tania María Flores Castellanos (Sound Designer), Roberto Campos (Production Design), José Luis Hernández Vidal (Director of Photography)
Country: Mexico
Language: Español
Studio: Quebrado Piñata Producciones, Fields Productions, Cráneo Azul Studio, Facultad de Cine
Runtime: 23 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 12, 2023
IMDb: 10