In modern day Tokyo, three university students, Negishi Miyako (Neko-chan), Saiki Haruka, and Yamagishi Keiichiro, have magical powers that make them feel like outcasts. They come together one night and are transported to another world. They open a massive door and Neko finds that she is the Princess Neryulla, who must defeat the evil Duran III to free her people.
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Action, Adventure
Stars: Nachi Nozawa, Kazuhiko Inoue, Bin Shimada, Fumi Hirano, Kyôko Fujimoto, Masamichi Sato
Crew: Hidenori Taga (Executive Producer), Satoshi Dezaki (Producer), Tsuneo Tominaga (Assistant Director), Minoru Kotoku (Producer), Mark Goldenberg (Original Music Composer), Yukari Kobayashi (Animation Director)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Magic Bus
Runtime: 81 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 01, 1986
IMDb: 5.7